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Structure of Public Forum

Constructive Speech Team A- Delivered by the First Speaker (4 Minutes)

Constructive Speech Team B- Delivered by the First Speaker (4 Minutes)

First Crossfire- Between Both First Speakers (3 Minutes)

Rebuttal Speech Team A- Delivered by the Second Speaker (4 Minutes)

Rebuttal Speech Team B- Delivered by the Second Speaker (4 Minutes)

Second Crossfire- Between Both Second Speakers (3 Minutes)

Summary Speech Team A- Delivered by the First Speaker (3 Minutes)

Summary Speech Team B- Delivered by the First Speaker (3 Minutes)

Grand Crossfire- Between ALL Speakers (3 Minutes)
Final Focus Team A- Delivered by the Second Speaker (2 Minutes)

Final Focus Team B- Delivered by the Second Speaker (2 Minutes)

*Keep In Mind ~ this structure is specific to the Public Forum U.S. National Circuit 2021 - 2022. Different local circuits may have slight variations on this, so make sure to check with your coach / teacher / tournament director*  

*Prep. Time --  For the Public Forum U.S. National Circuit 2021 - 2022, tournaments generally give 3 MINUTES of prep time. That being said, local tournaments, and even potentially some national circuit tournaments, may operate differently. Once again, make sure to check tournament rules*

Below is a Visual Representation of a Public Forum Debate Round

Screen Shot 2020-12-24 at 7.48.06 PM.png

"Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one"

- Malcolm Forbes

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